


the long road....

the long road....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fed Ex Delivery Yesterday - Tickets to China!!

The itinerary for our trip is starting to take shape! Last week we received the agency email telling us that we have to be in Beijing on Thursday, August 12. We called one of the travel agents that our agency recommended and....let the planning begin!

Our flights are going to be LONG so right now we're trying to accumulate electronics, books, homework (ugh!)) and games to help pass the time! We leave O'Hare at 7am on Wed. 8/11, layover in Newark, NJ for a couple of hours, and then fly over the Atlantic and Europe to land in Beijing by 2pm on Thursday, 8/12. We will stay in Beijing for 3 days, seeing the sites.... and trying to get used to the 13 hour time difference! We will fly to Xian, the capital city of the province where Grace lives, in the afternoon on Sunday, August 15. On Monday, August 16 we will experience the "Gotcha Day" and finally be given our new little girl! We don't know exactly how long we will be staying in Xian..... but once we get Grace on Monday....she'll be with our family from then on! At some point we will fly to Guangzhou, in southern China, to spend a few days and meet with the U.S. Consulate to finalize the adoption.

Our flight home will take us over the Pacific and east to Chicago. So in the end....we'll have flown all the way around the world on this trip! Our itinerary departure and arrival times sound crazy....we leave Guangzhou on Saturday, August 27 at 9pm and arrive in Los Angeles at 7pm...... the same day! We are going to experience going backwards in time! Talk about messing me up!! I anticipate that no matter what time we think it is..... we'll be grateful to stretch, put our feet on the ground, and consume some airport food during our 4 hour layover in LA. We'll leave LA at 11pm and finally arrive in Chicago at 5am on Sat. August, 28. No Grace, we're not home yet..... just a 3 hour drive to Galena left. So if all things go as planned....we should be home by around 9am....just in time for bed (it will feel like 10pm to us!) I'll be posting more details as I get them..... so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. The trip is really getting finalized - WOW! I can't wait for more details to come.
